With the sophistication and sheer number of features offered by many of the research microscopes available today, it can be tempting to assume that you must always choose the system with the highest specification and the greatest degree of complexity. If such a top-of-the-range microscope is beyond your budget, it can be tempting to buy a second hand or refurbished model that has been previously used and restored before resale. This option does have its advantages; you may be able to buy a higher specification model than you would otherwise afford, and you may feel confident in the reliability of such an instrument, particularly if you purchase it from a reputable supplier. You should be aware, however, that purchasing a second-hand instrument is not always the smartest move.
Depending on the amount of use the microscope has previously endured, you may find that certain parts wear out more quickly than you were expecting. Also, those slight irritations that seemed irrelevant at the time of purchase can quickly turn into frustrations of enormous proportions. Finally, with technology advancing at a rapid pace, you may find that a microscope that is even a few years old is very quickly out of date and does not offer many of the features and benefits of a brand new model. Overall, choosing to buy a second hand system can very quickly turn out to be a false economy, particularly if you very quickly have to buy replacement parts or, worse still, purchase an entirely new system.
A smarter option can sometimes be to choose a brand new but lower priced model that still offers the features and specifications that you require. For example, if you are looking to save money on a trinocular microscope, a good model to choose could be the Vision-SX45 trinocular microscope as supplied by SMTInspection.com. Although sold at a much more affordable price than many of its competitors, this first-class model still offers an impressive range of features and is perfect for most routine inspection and material rework tasks. This stereo zoom microscope offers magnification within the range ×4 to ×300 autel maxisys ms906, which is more than sufficient for most applications. To allow you flexibility to tailor the system to meet all your requirements, the Vision-SX45 microscope comes with a range of available options and configurations. The trinocular head option allows a digital or video camera to be installed making it possible to view images remotely on screen as well as directly through the eyepiece. Furthermore, images recorded in this way can be captured, documented, and archived, while the ability to enhance images digitally can guarantee an extremely high quality in all outputs. Finally, the long-life, true-color LED illumination further ensures ease of viewing and optimum image quality.
When you next need to replace your microscope, don't automatically assume the highest specification must be best, even if it is purchased second hand, but instead consider the advantages of a brand new, feature-rich model such as the Vision-SX45 trinocular microscope from SMTInspection Autel MaxiTPMS PAD.com.
Dave Huckabay, our resident Microscope expert at , is available for consultation. With over 15 years experience as a manufacturers representative for Branson Ultrasonics and Vision Engineering, he can provide guidance in equipment selection, process design, and best practices.Related Links